BONFACE - DAY 21: Gua Sha - Natural Botox
The Facial Gua Sha is the most popular beauty practice of the moment, quickly earning the nickname of “natural botox” for its evident results.
It is performed with a flat stone with a multiform perimeter which, through specific movements, stimulates microcirculation and the lymphatic system.
This facial massage, albeit superficial, acts at a deep level, stimulating a healthy color and an improvement in the skin texture.
Massage Gua Sha belongs to the millenary tradition of Chinese Medicine and they find evidence already in 600 d. c during the Tang dynasty.
His name is made up of two words: 刮 - Gua (scrape) and 痧 -
It is a technique of "rubbing" of the body developed to free the body from inflammation and tension by rubbing specific points.
Applied to the face, it becomes a beautiful, soothing and relaxing ritual, capable of bringing well-being and benefits to body and mind.
The Face Gua Sha through the heat generated by rubbing stimulates the
The benefits of facial Gua Sha are many:
- drains the lymphatic fluid (often rich in toxins)
- eliminate swelling and dark circles
- treats and prevents sagging skin
- illuminates the complexion
- improves the penetration of creams/serums
- relieves muscular tension giving relaxation
Although performing the Gua-Sha massage daily can give great results, it is important to learn the correct movements and their sequence to get the maximum benefits.
The Gua Sha treatment consists of gently "rubbing" the skin with a flat stone using movements
Experience the different sides and shapes of the stone yourself to understand what works best on your face. The advice is to keep it at an angle of 15 degrees on the skin.
The stones also have different shapes to promote perfect adherence of the points on the face to be treated. Here you can see for example the uses of the stone that I am going to use in the video.
With a clean, free and dry face, here are the steps to follow for an effective Gua Sha massage:
- OIL: apply a generous amount of oil to the face and neck.
Beauty Tip: add a few drops of essential oil (almond or rose hip) to facilitate movement and maximize the action of the stones.
- HEAT : activate the Gua Sha stone by heating it and rubbing it between your hands.
- NECK: starts from the outer corner of the jaw with slow strokes in a descending direction up to or the earlobe.
- CHIN : rub from the center of the chin (under the lower lip) towards the ears.
- MOUTH: massage the sides of the mouth by moving the stone towards the ear.
- CHEEK: perform large and ascending movements starting from the corners of the nose up to the ears. Then locate the pressure point in the concave under the cheekbone and rub.
- NOSE: place the stone on the root of the nose and scroll towards the hairline.
- EYES: Use the curved part of the stone to “scrape” the eyebrow area. Then stimulate the lymphatic system starting from the side of the nose and go up along the temples.
- FOREHEAD: Swipe horizontally from the center of the forehead (above the eyebrows) towards the temples. Massage the hairline and scalp with the knurled side of the stone.
The touch must be very delicate. The lighter it is, the more it acts on the lymphatic fluid. If you apply too much pressure, you no longer act on the lymph but on the muscles. Also remember that heavy and abrupt maneuvers can cause bruising and redness.
The instruments Gua Sha are available in different stones, shapes and sizes.
Warning: on the internet you can find stones at very low prices, often fake. Keep in mind, for example, that jade the clearer it is, the more it costs. In fact, white jade is the most precious. Furthermore, the real jade stone remains cold even during the treatment.
I therefore advise, if possible, to always choose personally your own stone, focusing on the touch and the colour.
In detail, you will find the most popular stones for Gua Sha:
The stone Gua Sha is personal and not it should therefore preferably be given to no one. To clean it, just a cloth with neutral soap or a drop of tea tree essential oil.
Super tip: in the East, to purify and regenerate stones, they expose them to light of the full moon.
Curious to learn the maneuvers of Gua Sha? Then click on the following video!
Chiara Bonel - Natural entrepreneur & holistic-sports massage technician