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BONFACE - DAY 22: Cupping - Detox

Cupping (Cupping in English) is a beauty treatment that stimulates blood circulation and drains liquids through the use of  cups of various sizes to be applied to the body and face.

bonface cupping coppettazione vacuum massaggio viso silicone linfodrenaggio linfatico rughe borse occhiaie 

It takes its name from the instrument it uses: the cups which, through the suction effectactivate the lymphatic system and restore energy to the body.


Cupping is an ancient technique used by traditional Chinese medicine that combines lymphatic drainage with suction massage (“vacuum”) through the use of cups.

The original method involves the use of cups glass, heated inside with the flame of a candle. Applied on specific points of the body, they produce decongestant and detoxifying effects thanks to the air pocket that is created with the skin.

bonface cupping coppettazione vacuum massaggio viso silicone linfodrenaggio linfatico rughe borse occhiaie vetro candela medicina cinese

In recent years, an alternative has become very popular: silicone cups . Easily purchased online, the suction effect here is no longer obtained "by heating" but by compressing them with the fingers. For self-massage of the face the following are usually adopted:

 bonface cupping coppettazione vacuum massaggio viso silicone linfodrenaggio linfatico rughe borse occhiaie


The suction obtained by Cupping helps lift the soft tissue by stimulating the  blood circulation and promoting the drainage of the lymph nodes. As a result:

  • tissues receive a fresh surge of oxygen 
  • cell waste and toxins are eliminated
  • i liquids in excess are drained
  • the muscles of the face relax
  •  wrinkles are smoothed out
  • headaches and migraines subside 


Following the treatment, red-violet spots may form in the areas where the cups are applied (which however disappear in a few days).

Cupping is not recommended in case of:

  1. pregnancy
  2. fragile capillaries
  3. tendency to develop bruises easily
  4. damaged skin or presence of skin rashes
  5. consistent acne


  • Remove make-up and clean the skin with warm water
  • Lubricate the area to be treated with a thin layer of oil
  • Perform a massage to warm up tissues
  • Start cupping starting from the area neck and décolleté.

How? Squeeze the cup between your fingers. Place it on the skin to create the vacuum (vacuum effect). Make it adhere and slide with your fingers from bottom to top o from the center outwards and at the end of the journey, detach it from the skin.

Depending on the area to be treated, choose the right cup:

    • S: Forehead, Cheekbones, Cheeks, Chin, Neck, Décolleté
    • XS: Eye contour, lip contour, lips, nose 

bonface cupping coppettazione vacuum massaggio viso silicone linfodrenaggio linfatico rughe borse occhiaie

Application times:

Face: 4/6 minutes

Package: 2 minutes

Décolleté: 2 minutes

Do not exceed 10 minutes 

The effects of the massage are generally seen after a few hours or the following day, the face will appear more radiant.


  • It is recommended to start the treatment with 3 sessions a week taking care not to stress the skin too much.
  • Traction must not be painful (use a smaller cup if it happens).
  • Do not contract your muscles or clench your teeth during the massage.
  • To optimize the removal of toxins, after treatment, hydrate yourself to the maximum by drinking plenty of water o green tea.

Try yourself to cupping! 

chiara bonel imprenditrice naturale massaggiatore olistico sportivo

Chiara Bonel - Natural entrepreneur & holistic-sports massage technician

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