bonacce 5 chiara bonel misurina facegym massaggio facciale viso riscaldamento warm up

BONFACE - DAY 5: the importance of warming up

Today, before practice, let's briefly explore the subject of the so-called "WARM UP" or muscle warm-up.

Warming up, in sport, is a physical and psychological preparation fundamental and  consists of carrying out an activity at low intensity to put everything in motion: circulation, joints and muscles.

Pbefore any physical activity, in fact, it is important to prepare the body and mind for exercise. It is therefore a stage that cannot be skipped, neither in winter nor in summer.

Your face and body are connected and work together that's why I suggest you start your daily face exercises with simple warm-up poses.



bonface warm up stretching corpo viso mente riscaldamento muscolare


When you want to improve a specific part of the body (legs, buttocks, stomach) they advise you not to work only on it but to do a more complete and "total" activity in order to obtain greater results and a figure more harmonious.

For exactly the same reason, in our face, starting from the 5 areas of interest (forehead, eyes, cheeks, mouth, neck) it is necessary to analyze the specific parts in which we want to work more without neglecting the whole.

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So stand in front of the mirror and look at your face, focus on its curves, its color, its lines and on the results you want to achieve.

In the warm-up phase, pay attention pay attention to your breathing and to relax your neck and shoulders. Combining body to face poses will give better benefits to your skin as well as improve your posture and awareness.

Let's start immediately with a good warm-up, click on the following link to access BONFACE DAY 5/28 !

chiara bonel imprenditrice naturale massaggiatore olistico sportivo

Chiara Bonel - Natural entrepreneur & holistic-sports massage technician

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