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BonPills: Skincare for dry skin

Dry skin corresponds to a situation in which the balance of the hydrolipidic barrier is altered and this causes excessive evaporation of water from the underlying layers causing a feeling of "tight skin" and flaking. Even the 'prolonged use of the surgical mask can exacerbate this situation.

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Let's see what is good to use or avoid in case of dry skin.


1. MOISTURIZING COSMETICS - with hydro-lipidic action

They make use of both lipidic substances and hydrophilic substances that act synergistically to restore the hydro-lipid film.

Lipophilic moisturizers
The moisturizing strategy based on fat-soluble substances has the aim of promoting the reconstitution of the intercellular cement
and the fat component of the hydrolipidic film.

The most used lipids are squalane and squalene, the latter it is also present in the human body and is an intermediary in the synthesis of cholesterol, while squalane is mainly used for its emollient and moisturizing characteristics.

Other optimal molecules for the skin are bio-mimetic lipids such as ceramides which prevent abnormal water losses and maintain and improve hydration and skin elasticity.

The vegetable oils and butters are also excellent, such as shea butter, mango butter and the avocado oil or olive oil.

Hydrophilic moisturizers

Hydration takes place according to a direct mechanism as these molecules take up part of the water contained in the cosmetic product and are ready to release it once applied on the skin. This is the case of glyceric , of hyaluronic acid, of trehalose, of betaine, of glycols such as propylene glycol and components of NMF (Natural Moisturizing Factors) such as lactates and urea.

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2. VEGETABLE DRUGS - with moisturizing and tonic properties

I am the carob tree, the lime tree, the evening primrose, the rice, echinacea, currant, spirea and oats.

3. CLEANSERS - oil-based

Cleansing by affinity should be preferred, therefore the use of oil-based cleansers and if the skin is particularly dry, cleansing can also be carried out once a day, then only in the evening.


It is advisable to use masks ccontaining moisturizing substances such as those described above, the sleeping mask are excellent that you leave on all night drastically reduce water evaporation .


To remove the dead cells present in the superficial layer, periodic peelings (periodic, infrequent) are particularly suitable, especially those based on kojic acid, tartaric acid or malic acid.

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Avoid the frequent use of acid-based chemical peels and exposure to the sun without protection solar.

Avoid using detergents containing overly aggressive surfactants such as sodium myreth sulfate or sodium laureth sulfate or sodium laury sulfate.

Federica Cosmast

Dr. Federica D'Incà - COSMAST Master in Cosmetic Science and Technology

"Every woman has the right to be beautiful" - Elizabeth Arden

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