Beauty Trends 2021
2020 is over. It's been a strange year, full of uncertainties and which has undoubtedly turned our view of things upside down.
As far as the beauty world is concerned, in 2020 we acknowledge, if nothing else, that we have anticipated some trends that were foreseen for 2022-2024.
So let's see what trends await us, in the hope that it will be a better yearthanthe last, in which we can travel again , to make plans, to see friends again and to live fully again!
2020 has certainly contributed to increasing our awareness, so the trend is no longer it is more the compulsive buying rush
So the trend is also in having multipurpose beauty products: the day cream that also becomes sleeping mask, the mask face that also becomes a scrub, the face cleanser that also becomes a cream.
Never before will there be an attempt to recover a serenity that in 2020 was lacking for much of the year as this year. In 2021, beauty starts above all from within.
Beauty products that contain natural molecules with calming and relaxing action will have an edge. This concept applies above all to aromatherapy, creams and beauty products will opt for fragrances that corroborate inner well-being, our serenity and a beauty "from within".
For some years now, beauty addicts have been more aware: they are more attentive to what they put on their skin, to the ingredients they choose and know the results they want to achieve.
In 2020 this trend has worsened even more, so consumers prefer brands and cosmetic products with clear communication, with scientific evidence to support; in addition to this, they also want to communicate with the brand and establish a relationship of trust, they want to know its history and philosophy.
The trend that leads to an increase in the use of natural and botanical ingredients is now in its moment of maximum explosion.
Many brands are formulating green lines based on natural ingredients which support the ecological awareness that is growing in the world.
This is accompanied by the desire to favor the natural ingredients of one's own territory and to tell the consumer the story of the raw material and its origin.
Bonel Botanicals promotes the scientific dissemination of the Elodea algae: it is an aquatic plant that proliferates in the Misurina lakes (1. 754 m above sea level L mi) and d'Antorno (1. 866 m above sea level L m) both basins at the foot of the Tre Cime di Lavaredo in the Dolomites. These algae are a real hidden treasure, for years thrown away as waste because “unsightly and infesting ”. Bonel Botanicals had the plant studied by a team of researchers who discovered its very high antioxidant properties today at the base of its formulations.
An increasein the use of super food in cosmetics is also expected for 2021, which thanks to their excellent properties constitute valid active ingredients in beauty care.
Never before man too is discovering the benefits of the beauty routine and the need for products beauty that accompany him in his daily life. Men have different skin characteristics from women, so the products must be specially designed.
Let's not overlook the increase in the makemen's upwear sector, another trend that will expand considerably in 2021.
Every day we all witness the climate changes that are taking place in our world and their consequences.
Never before has the will to protect our home and stop damaging it been as strong as today. Even the world of cosmetics perceives the responsibility to preserve our natural heritage intact with the formulation of cosmetics with sustainable ingredients, packaging in recycled plastic or other innovative materials ivi that reduce environmental pollution.
Dr. Federica D'Incà - COSMAST Master in Cosmetic Science and Technology
"Every woman has the right to be beautiful" - Elizabeth Arden