BONFACE - DAY 15: Nose and Ears
Nose and ears are two peripheral elements of the face that are often forgotten in our beauty treatments. Both are extremely important for the harmony of our face, let's see them together in more detail.
The ears are one of the points of the body that are richest in nerve endings and blood vessels. Massaging them correctly gives brightness to the face and décolleté producing immediate relaxation.
Massage the ears offers considerable benefits both physically and psychologically.
- Improves the microcirculation (relieves dark circles)
- Stimulates lymphatic drainage of the tissues (reduces bursae)
- Oxygenates the muscles (illuminates the skin of face and neck)
- Revives the leather scalp (stimulates the growth of hair)
- Decreases stress and fights attacks of anxiety
- provides energy to the brain
- increases concentration
- relieves headaches and tinnitus
In short, this simple ear massage brings a great sense of relaxation and a pleasant warmth that envelops the face, neck and scalp.
At minute 5:10 of today's video you will find out exactly how to do it, but I would like to provide you with a series of suggestions to be able to draw from it the maximum benefit:
- start from the ear lobes - squeezing them gently between thumb and forefinger.
- continue all over the auricle with slow but vigorous circular movements.
- finally gently pull the lobes downwards, the whole ear upwards and then to the side.
- EARRINGS: remove them before the massage
- OIL/CREAM: apply to massage
- EARS: treats both at the same time
- WATER: drink afterward to eliminate toxins
- EVENING: relax and induce sleep before bed.
- MORNING: reactivate and drain excess fluids as soon as you wake up.
In the East there is a real discipline that sees the auricle as a microsystem that represents the whole
Looking closely at it, the ear takes on the shape of a fetus upside down - where the lobe represents the head, the external part the vertebral column and the inside the vital organs.
All the points on the ear correspond to the same number points on the body; consequently, massaging these points can produce therapeutic benefits in the corresponding areas.
Below you can discover a MAP of the ear according to auriculotherapy.
Placed in the center of the face, the nose is a very evident and "characterizing" element in our faces. In fact, it immediately catches our attention and, due to its size and shape, markedly defines our appearance.
Even for the nose there are small exercises which, if practiced with perseverance and patience, allow improve its appearance and prevent or reduce its slope over time. Here are some examples:
- UPturned NOSE - slide along the vertical surface with your index and middle finger (ES. 1 - Min. 0:05)
- MODEL THE SHAPE - con the index fingers, perform circular movements and pressure near the eyes (ES. 2 - Min. 1:00)
- REDUCE THE LENGTH - cwith the thumb and forefinger, pinch the bridge of the nose. (ES. 3 - Min. 1:30)
- ELIMINATE WRINKLES - we are referring to the nasolabial folds which we have already talked about in the special Cheeks and Cheekbones (click HERE to read the article).
Also called smile lines, the defined furrows Nasolabial form on the bridge nose and flow along the walls of the mouth with aging.
As seen above, the BONFACE exercises work on them, lightening their lines and stretching the cheek muscles.
Here we propose for you an effective exercise that acts on the nose-mouth-cheekbones nicely called the Mummy Pose . if you're curious, fly to minute 1:55 of the VIDEO BONFACE DAY 15/28 and train your face muscles while having fun!
Chiara Bonel - Natural entrepreneur & holistic-sports massage technician