bonface chiara bonel misurina massaggio viso occhi palpebre faccia rughe borse occhiaie

BONFACE - DAY 10: Eyes and eyelids

Eyes are known to be the mirror of the soul and say a lot about our age. BONFACE exercises intervene in the area in order to make the eyelids more toned,...

BONFACE - DAY 10: Eyes and eyelids

Eyes are known to be the mirror of the soul and say a lot about our age. BONFACE exercises intervene in the area in order to make the eyelids more toned,...

bonface chiara bonel misurina massaggio viso fronte forehead rughe

BONFACE - DAY 9: the Forehead

On the forehead we find typical expression lines. Their incidence depends on skin type, habits and facial expressions. With facial massage we can improve circulation, relax muscles and relieve wrinkles....

BONFACE - DAY 9: the Forehead

On the forehead we find typical expression lines. Their incidence depends on skin type, habits and facial expressions. With facial massage we can improve circulation, relax muscles and relieve wrinkles....

bonface chiara bonel misurina massaggio viso yoga face cucchiaio

BONFACE - DAY 8: the spoon massage!

During my search for the best methods to treat and tone the face, I discovered an easy treatment with amazing results. I'm talking about the spoon massage designed to be...

BONFACE - DAY 8: the spoon massage!

During my search for the best methods to treat and tone the face, I discovered an easy treatment with amazing results. I'm talking about the spoon massage designed to be...

bonface 7 chiara bonel misurina massaggio viso olistico face yoga gym

BONFACE - DAY 7: techniques for massaging the face

Yesterday we discovered which products to use for the Bonface practice. In particular we talked about the use of moisturizer and plant-based oils. Now for the sake of completeness let's find...

BONFACE - DAY 7: techniques for massaging the face

Yesterday we discovered which products to use for the Bonface practice. In particular we talked about the use of moisturizer and plant-based oils. Now for the sake of completeness let's find...

bonacce chiara bonel misurina massaggio viso pelle cute face yoga gym

BONFACE - DAY 6: when to massage and which prod...

Today, I'll answer the most frequent questions for anyone taking the BONFACE Bootcamp. There are essentially two and they concern what is the best moment of the day for the practice...

BONFACE - DAY 6: when to massage and which prod...

Today, I'll answer the most frequent questions for anyone taking the BONFACE Bootcamp. There are essentially two and they concern what is the best moment of the day for the practice...

bonacce 5 chiara bonel misurina facegym massaggio facciale viso riscaldamento warm up

BONFACE - DAY 5: the importance of warming up

WARM UP, in sport, is a fundamental physical and psychological preparation and  consists of performing a low-intensity activity to set everything in motion: circulation, joints and muscles. Your face and body are connected and work...

BONFACE - DAY 5: the importance of warming up

WARM UP, in sport, is a fundamental physical and psychological preparation and  consists of performing a low-intensity activity to set everything in motion: circulation, joints and muscles. Your face and body are connected and work...