bonface chiara bonel misurina collo massaggio viso

BONFACE - DAY 14: Neck and Décolleté

The neck and décolleté are one of the most delicate parts of the body. The skin in this area is very thin and wrinkles form quickly. The risk of a "tortoiseshell"...

BONFACE - DAY 14: Neck and Décolleté

The neck and décolleté are one of the most delicate parts of the body. The skin in this area is very thin and wrinkles form quickly. The risk of a "tortoiseshell"...

bonface chiara bonel misurina massaggio viso mento mandibola mewing

BONFACE - DAY 13: Chin and Jaw

A double chin is caused by the relaxation of the muscles at the border between the chin and the neck. This blemish alters the contours of the face and is triggered by various causes....

BONFACE - DAY 13: Chin and Jaw

A double chin is caused by the relaxation of the muscles at the border between the chin and the neck. This blemish alters the contours of the face and is triggered by various causes....

bonface chiara bonel misurina massaggio viso bocca lips bocca

BONFACE - DAY 12: Mouth and Lips

The mouth area is a very sensual part of our face and tells our emotions. BONFACE stimulates your muscles with two precise objectives: to reshape the mouth and give extra volume to the...

BONFACE - DAY 12: Mouth and Lips

The mouth area is a very sensual part of our face and tells our emotions. BONFACE stimulates your muscles with two precise objectives: to reshape the mouth and give extra volume to the...

bonface 11 guance zigomi chiara bonel misurina

BONFACE - DAY 11: Cheeks and Cheekbones

Cheeks and cheekbones are decisive for the harmony of the face. BONFACE exercises help shape the oval of the face, prevent the cheeks from sagging downwards and release tension caused by...

BONFACE - DAY 11: Cheeks and Cheekbones

Cheeks and cheekbones are decisive for the harmony of the face. BONFACE exercises help shape the oval of the face, prevent the cheeks from sagging downwards and release tension caused by...

bonface chiara bonel misurina massaggio viso occhi palpebre faccia rughe borse occhiaie

BONFACE - DAY 10: Eyes and eyelids

Eyes are known to be the mirror of the soul and say a lot about our age. BONFACE exercises intervene in the area in order to make the eyelids more toned,...

BONFACE - DAY 10: Eyes and eyelids

Eyes are known to be the mirror of the soul and say a lot about our age. BONFACE exercises intervene in the area in order to make the eyelids more toned,...

bonface chiara bonel misurina massaggio viso fronte forehead rughe

BONFACE - DAY 9: the Forehead

On the forehead we find typical expression lines. Their incidence depends on skin type, habits and facial expressions. With facial massage we can improve circulation, relax muscles and relieve wrinkles....

BONFACE - DAY 9: the Forehead

On the forehead we find typical expression lines. Their incidence depends on skin type, habits and facial expressions. With facial massage we can improve circulation, relax muscles and relieve wrinkles....